Collective Soul Wounds
Archangel Faith, Archangel Clarity & Ama’RiAl on SOUL WOUNDS
Maitreya, St. Germain and Sananda on Who You TrulyAre vs. Fear of Darkness
Buddha, Archangel Charity and Quan Yin on the Soul Wounds of CRITICISM, JUDGEMENT and CONDEMNATION
Archangel Michael and Archangel Faith on: the Soul Wounds of Doubt and Distrust
El Morya, Lenduce and Kuthumi on:DENIAL and JUSTIFICATION
Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Charity on The Wounds of LOVE
Archangel Michael on the Soul Wounds of Power
Maitreya, St. Germain and Sananda on REJECTION
Clarion Call to Humanity to prevent WW3
Message Heal Wounds fuelling Wars and Anchor PEACE on Earth
ADDENDUM – Healing the Wounds that Fuel Wars vs NOT focusing on Wars
Exercises to KNOW Thyself
9-Steps to Heal Soul Wounds and Attain a Higher Level of Consciousness
9-Steps Process to Heal Doubt & Distrust
Whale Healing Journey – Mexico
Intensive Transformation Retreat – Seychelles
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